Virtual Events

Daily Morning Meditation

Dates: Every day 8:00-9:00am PT
Cost: Gift Economy / aka on Donation
Location: Virtual via Zoom:
Zoom Password: meditation
Registration: none needed / just show up!


Brief Summary:

We gather in community 365 mornings a year for a short teaching, meditation, and discussion.  Usually, around 20 to 30 people join.  You are welcome to have your video on or off, and stay for as little or as long as you like.

Morning Flow (Monday to Friday):

8:00 – 8:10ish  — a short talk (Fridays are way-seeking mind talks)
8:10ish – 8:45am — silent meditation
8:45 – 9:00am — group discussion

Morning Flow (Saturday & Sunday)

8:00 – 8:55am — silent meditation
8:55 – 9:00am — “lightning round,” sharing intentions for the day or one-sentence reflections

Visit here for more information.


Deep Dhamma in Daily Life — Virtual Bi-Weekly Class

When: ~ Every other Tuesday from 4-5pm PT (see above link for specific dates)
Where: Zoom (here’s the link)
Cost: Gift Economy / donation
Registration: none needed / just show up!


Brief Summary:

This bi-weekly class will explore how to weave “Deep Dhamma” into our daily lives, unpacking traditional Buddhist teachings to live with greater love, integrity, wisdom, meditative presence, and inner freedom.  A typical class features a 15-minute talk, 15-minute guided meditation, and 30 minutes of discussion/questions. 

For 2024, the classes will all revolve around the Buddha’s “Seven Factors of Awakening,” which include mindfulness, investigation, effort, joy, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity.

Visit here for more information & specific class themes.


Local Events in Portland


True Nature — A Daylong Insight Meditation Retreat

Date: Saturday, July 27th, from 10:00am to 4:00pm+
Location: A riverside horse ranch in Canby, Oregon (~30 minutes outside of Portland)
Cost: Gift economy / aka donation
Registration: RSVP required; email me via


Brief Summary:

This daylong retreat will be outdoors, shaded, yet surrounded by the elements.  We will explore both outer nature and inner nature, seeing the ways in which the human mind and body are just as much nature as the wind, trees, and horses.

Using the natural awareness teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya, along with the Buddha’s meditative teachings on the Four Elements, we’ll immerse ourselves in the moment-to-moment unfolding of nature, discovering a natural peace, ease, and presence amidst the currents of life.

Visit here for more information.



Awareness+Wisdom — An 8-week Insight Meditation Course

Dates: Wednesday evenings, 9/4/24 to 10/23/24, from 7-9pm
Location: 2926 NE Flanders Street, Portland, OR @ The Flander’s House
Cost: Gift Economy (see below)
Registration: RSVP required; email me at to sign-up


Brief Summary:

This course will guide you step-by-step into one of the most ancient and proven meditation approaches, Buddhist Insight Meditation, aka Vipassana.

In a nutshell, it uses mindfulness to steady ourselves in the present, where we can see what’s actually happening beneath the veils of our stories and reactions, and through that, develop a profound ease & peace in our own skin.

In turn, the central aim of this course is to help you develop or deepen a consistent meditation practice that allows you to realize this clear-seeing wisdom & peace for yourself, as much in moments of quiet as in your relationships, work, and everyday life.

Visit here for more information.


Monthly Sangha — Meditation + Dhamma + Community

Dates: 2nd Sundays from 6:30-8pm+
Location: Awakenings Wellness Studio @ 1016 SE 12th Avenue Portland, OR 97214
Cost: Gift Economy / Donation
Registration: none needed / just show up!


Brief Summary:

This group is devoted to cultivating the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, especially the key teachings on ethics, meditation, and wisdom.  While the idea is to spiritually beautify our lives in every possible way, we’ll place special emphasis on how via wise awareness, freedom is always available right now. 

We aspire to build community, explore Buddhist philosophy in a down-to-earth manner, and find ways to bring these rich teachings alive in our own lives.

2024 Dates: 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/8, 10/13, 11/10, 12/8

Visit here for more information.


Sangha Service Day

Dates: August 17th, 9:30-1:00pm+
Location: Samadhi Grove Sanctuary in Oregon City
Registration: email me via


Brief Summary:

For this service day, we’ll join in a project to help build a community-funded meditation hut, constructed from earthen and recelyed materials, and nestled in an acre of trees.  Once complete, anyone will be able to use it for personal meditation retreats.

Tasks may include digging, earthen plastering, glass bottle insertion, altar construction, flooring installation, digging, trail maintenance around the hut, and the like.  Be prepared to get a little dirty!

Lunch to be provided around 1pm.

Visit here for more information.